Hi again -
My Silk Fibre Craft Workshop was very well received. The ladies from Beer W.I. had a lovely time playing with the silks, choosing their colours to decorate their vases and glasses and loved the idea of "make it float on air" before applying to the glassware.

Lots of ladies wanted to carry on with their crafting at home so purchased some silks from me too. These can be found on my website (currently being updated). Hopefully I'll be back online very soon.
You can see them in the picture here floating silks and having a lovely time. The Workshop was very well recieved and everyone enjoyed themselves. As well as using Silks to decorate a variety of objects, I also demonstrated how to make Silk Papers too. Lots of ladies have gone away with a totally new and adaptable hobby.
The Silk Fibre Craft is one of my most popular Workshops. Iv'e been offering this particular Workshop for years and am still getting in the requests from all sorts of Community Groups etc., . Because anyone can achieve a lovely hand-crafted piece - you don't have to be skilled at anything and it's so much fun into the bargain too.
I have some very exciting things coming up in the near future too . WATCH THIS SPACE FOR EXCITING NEWS COMING VERY SOON......
My Stand at the Silk Fibre Craft Workshop. |
I was, yet again asked to write a book about this subject and that's something that I already have planned and is in the pipeline already. Lots to do and so little time.....
Beer W.I. ladies busy crafting at the Workshop.