Hi all - something a bit different today.......
I thought I would show you this Altered Booklet I made a while ago using my own hand-made Silk papers.
I love making paper as you can add all sorts of bits and pieces which you can incorporate into the paper to add interest and dimension. Iv'e used different fibres here but you can also add sequins, threads and even leaves from your garden into the papers. Much more to come in future on this subject I think.

Iv'e also been playing around with Silk Paints too. I love the effects that you can get if you add salt or even sugar to the piece when it's wet. I can see lots more creations in the pipe-line coming your way very soon using silk paints and other crafty things.
I want to incorporate free-hand and machine stitching into the silk paintings to make something unique and useable for the house or to wear. I think scraves would be great using the silk painted technique and Iv'e got an Embellisher now so can't wait to get crafting with that. .
Talking of Embellishers, another hobby I have is making felt - take a look at my Pinterest Boards under "Nature's Beauty" here for a full range of my crafty creations.
I love felting and have made a few Wall Hangings for around the house using the wet felt method. You can also dry felt and make 3D objects. See my felted lady on my Pinterest Board ( link above). No it's not a self- portrait.
Felted beads are on my list to make too. Iv'e already made a few felt necklaces and bracelets but I'll save them for another post. Hope you like what you see.
Happy crafting all.......
Oh my dear Christine, your too funny, and I love to laugh. I guess I am that kind of girl atrsy and all that"_".. Your talking my talking my langues with that paper using all kinds of bits a bobs:),is the green purple and blue the silk GOOORGEOUS.. I'm made some shimmer inks in the same colors, and spritzed away,:)..
ReplyDeleteI'm going to post your blog on my FB,my DS who lives in England is doing felting and she is a textile artist and will be into your art. I love how creative you are, those silk scarfs sound grrrrreat and I saw some silk scarf with felting added they were so kool. In your first pic, I love the bits you made and added are they hot wax or that stuff that melts in hot water,darn Brain Fart, can;t remember what it's called anywaaaay , thanks for the visit it made my day.Oh I can't find your Pintrest, looked all over your blog. I'll keep looking, have a great day..